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Tom Baker

Tom Baker

Birthday: 20 January 1934, Liverpool, England, UK
Birth Name: Thomas Stewart Baker
Height: 191 cm

The British character actor Tom Baker, best known as the fourth incarnation of The Doctor, was born in 1934 in Liverpool, England, to Mary Jane (Fleming) and John Stewart Baker. His father was of Engl ...Show More

Tom Baker
I've never worked with anybody twice. Mostly because they've died shortly after working with me. I've never worked with anybody twice. Mostly because they've died shortly after working with me.
Actors are able to trick themselves into treating anything as fantastic. It's a kind of madness, rea Show more Actors are able to trick themselves into treating anything as fantastic. It's a kind of madness, really. Hide
As you get near death, as I am, you have to laugh at everything. Otherwise the alternative is to be Show more As you get near death, as I am, you have to laugh at everything. Otherwise the alternative is to be utterly depressed. Hide
The Doctor isn't really an acting part. It's a matter of being inventive enough to project credibili Show more The Doctor isn't really an acting part. It's a matter of being inventive enough to project credibility to scenes which aren't credible. Hide
[championing transvestite comic Eddie Izzard for the role of Doctor Who (2005)] Eddie Izzard is so m Show more [championing transvestite comic Eddie Izzard for the role of Doctor Who (2005)] Eddie Izzard is so mysterious and strange. He seems like he has lots of secrets. You always feel Eddie Izzard knows something you don't, or has been somewhere you haven't been. I like the way he dresses. He could probably do his own wardrobe. Hide
I went to one of the Doctor Who (1963) conventions in Los Angeles. These people were coming up with Show more I went to one of the Doctor Who (1963) conventions in Los Angeles. These people were coming up with theories about the Doctor I could not understand. I asked them what they wanted and they all wanted the same thing. Would I take them with me in the TARDIS? It was very strange. Hide
[on winning a poll in the Radio Times as the best star of Doctor Who (1963)] The readers' vote is ve Show more [on winning a poll in the Radio Times as the best star of Doctor Who (1963)] The readers' vote is very pleasing and reassuring. I was lucky because all my stuff was in colour, the scripts were coming along, the effects were getting more refined, the sets didn't fall over so often. Hide
[on working with the robot dog K9 in Doctor Who (1963)] That's why I've got bad knees now, what with Show more [on working with the robot dog K9 in Doctor Who (1963)] That's why I've got bad knees now, what with being a monk in my youth, praying to God, and then on my knees in front of bloody K9. Hide
We are all quite capable of believing in anything as long as it's improbable. We are all quite capable of believing in anything as long as it's improbable.
It was more fun being Doctor Who (1963) than Tom Baker. Tom Baker was just ordinary. It was more fun being Doctor Who (1963) than Tom Baker. Tom Baker was just ordinary.
The whole of television seemed to be staffed entirely by producers, directors and script editors and Show more The whole of television seemed to be staffed entirely by producers, directors and script editors and people like that were all actors, because where did the original people come from? At that time, you see, when television got going, the only people that knew anything about theatricality and plays were actors. So lots of the producers had been actors in their day. Hide
I wasn't interested in novelty. I was looking for good drama. I wasn't interested in novelty. I was looking for good drama.
I enjoy overacting and I'm very good at it. I suppose you could say I've made a career out of it. I enjoy overacting and I'm very good at it. I suppose you could say I've made a career out of it.
But we can't escape into the future like we can escape into the past. So those of us who are not cer Show more But we can't escape into the future like we can escape into the past. So those of us who are not certain of things, and there are an awful lot of us, often rush back to the past. And each one has a particular past he prefers to the present. Sometimes I feel that any past is preferable to the present. Hide
My faith vanished swiftly when I bumped into a couple of girls in Germany. It was incredible. God mu Show more My faith vanished swiftly when I bumped into a couple of girls in Germany. It was incredible. God must have been livid. When you're young - me especially with all those years of chastity - I had this amazing, vital libido. So when I had nothing but a toothbrush and a libido, and I'd ditched my guardian angel and stopped being inhibited by him, it was wonderful. Hide
I think I'm made for the role of Donald MacDonald (Monarch of the Glen (2000)). He's quite clearly f Show more I think I'm made for the role of Donald MacDonald (Monarch of the Glen (2000)). He's quite clearly from another planet. Hide
[when a fan asked him why he left Doctor Who (1963)] I was pushed. By Anthony Ainley. [when a fan asked him why he left Doctor Who (1963)] I was pushed. By Anthony Ainley.
[on The Magic Roundabout (2005)]: I haven't seen a script but I've accepted everything, simply becau Show more [on The Magic Roundabout (2005)]: I haven't seen a script but I've accepted everything, simply because the money was excellent. Hide
[on the death of Jon Pertwee] I am very sorry to hear the news. I was a great admirer of such a styl Show more [on the death of Jon Pertwee] I am very sorry to hear the news. I was a great admirer of such a stylish actor. Hide
[on Doctor Who (2005)] I get sweet messages from time to time from David Tennant, yes, but I've neve Show more [on Doctor Who (2005)] I get sweet messages from time to time from David Tennant, yes, but I've never actually seen it, no. Of course, I didn't watch it when I was in it. Well, once, from behind the sofa. Hide
I'm a sort of Buddhist, like all actors are, you know, that nonsense about not bathing in the same r Show more I'm a sort of Buddhist, like all actors are, you know, that nonsense about not bathing in the same river twice - you're not even the same person bathing in the same river. So actors, it seems to me, I don't know much about them, I avoid them like the plague, especially the ones at my age, but inevitably I do meet them and they do seem to me to be a bit like me in that they are not really certain who they are. Hide
I was playing Rasputin and what was motivating him was crumpet really, and I was extremely keen on c Show more I was playing Rasputin and what was motivating him was crumpet really, and I was extremely keen on crumpet so I was really rather good as Rasputin. And my next catastrophic failure was Macbeth, who I played in the style of a crumpet-lover, and then when Doctor Who (1963) came along, I embraced this lunacy, this cloud-cuckoo-land where people had to be convinced by absolute nonsense. I came from a very religious background, so it was easy for me to believe in something I knew nothing about. Hide
[on Black-Adder II: Potato (1986)] I keep getting money because they repeat my appalling Blackadder Show more [on Black-Adder II: Potato (1986)] I keep getting money because they repeat my appalling Blackadder performance. Did you ever see me as the legless sea captain? For which someone should have taken away my Equity card. It was terrible and the buggers keep playing it. Hide
No one has ever failed as Doctor Who, no one has ever failed. Remotely. Even the boy who did the fil Show more No one has ever failed as Doctor Who, no one has ever failed. Remotely. Even the boy who did the film, I've forgotten what his name was. Hide
The difference between Matt Smith and me is that he's an actor and I'm... well, I'm just Tom Baker. The difference between Matt Smith and me is that he's an actor and I'm... well, I'm just Tom Baker.
I learned nothing at drama school. The tutors were all far too old and out of date. Not their fault. Show more I learned nothing at drama school. The tutors were all far too old and out of date. Not their fault. I'm now extremely old and very dated. Hide
[on army food] Once a man next to me found the handle of a radiator in his mashed potato; he said no Show more [on army food] Once a man next to me found the handle of a radiator in his mashed potato; he said nothing, merely moving it to the side of his plate after sucking the mashed potato off it first. Nobody else said anything either. If the truth was known several of us were probably jealous. Hide
I never read the scripts at all carefully and never wanted to know what was going on, because I felt Show more I never read the scripts at all carefully and never wanted to know what was going on, because I felt that being a benevolent alien, that's the way it should be. Hide
Frank Bough said to me once, 'Don't you think, actually, your programme frightens people?' I said, ' Show more Frank Bough said to me once, 'Don't you think, actually, your programme frightens people?' I said, 'Not nearly as much as your programme does.' Hide
The biggest cause of death in Maidstone is boredom. The biggest cause of death in Maidstone is boredom.
[on religion] People are quite happy believing the wrong things. I wasn't unhappy believing all that Show more [on religion] People are quite happy believing the wrong things. I wasn't unhappy believing all that shit. Now I'm not unhappy thinking about it because I can laugh at it. Hide
[on finding Doctor Who: The Stones of Blood: Part Four (1978) tedious] What is amazing about this, o Show more [on finding Doctor Who: The Stones of Blood: Part Four (1978) tedious] What is amazing about this, of course, this is the longest episode in the history of Doctor Who. Hide
The programme is like a hovercraft - on a fine line all the time. You don't dare touch the ground. I Show more The programme is like a hovercraft - on a fine line all the time. You don't dare touch the ground. I think it must have been the part of the Doctor that kept me fresh and young. All that fantasy is good for the mind, you know. Hide
I would rather be in Little Britain (2003) than King Lear, because there are more laughs. I would rather be in Little Britain (2003) than King Lear, because there are more laughs.
Doctor Who (1963) is watched at several levels in an average household. The smallest child terrified Show more Doctor Who (1963) is watched at several levels in an average household. The smallest child terrified behind a sofa or under a cushion, and the next one up laughing at him, and the elder one saying 'sh, I want to listen', and the parents saying 'isn't this enjoyable'. Hide
Graham Williams was absolutely devoted, but he didn't have that kind of flair that Philip [Philip Hi Show more Graham Williams was absolutely devoted, but he didn't have that kind of flair that Philip [Philip Hinchcliffe] had. But he let me get away with murder, so that was alright! Hide
[on his Catholic upbringing] I see it as absolutely f*****g preposterous. I absolutely chortle with Show more [on his Catholic upbringing] I see it as absolutely f*****g preposterous. I absolutely chortle with derisive laughter at it and chuck another pint down my neck. The whole vile thing about that fundamentalist Christianity is that we are unworthy. If you keep telling a child, 'You are nothing', the child cannot possibly grow up with self-esteem. Hide
Not long ago, I was walking in Oxford Street and a man stopped me: He said, '-Tom Baker??', and I sa Show more Not long ago, I was walking in Oxford Street and a man stopped me: He said, '-Tom Baker??', and I said, 'Yeah.' And he said, 'Tom Baker, Christ...' As he looked at me, I could see him being catapulted back somewhere. And he said, 'When I was a kid, I was in a home in North Wales and, uh, it wasn't very good. They didn't like us, and nobody wanted us. And you made Saturday night good for us, you know?' ...Now, to make a little speech to an old man in Oxford Street thirty-odd years later showed the power, didn't it? Of a benevolent character on children's television. Hide
I think quite often a fate worse than death is life, for lots of people. I think quite often a fate worse than death is life, for lots of people.
[Speaking in 2009] I think it is quite difficult now to surprise an audience with special effects, y Show more [Speaking in 2009] I think it is quite difficult now to surprise an audience with special effects, you may please an audience, but visually you can't actually amaze an audience can you? In a sense you just watch them trying, but if people can appear and disappear and walk through walls and disappear and then carry on fencing or kissing girls, that amazes me. Hide
[on the sexual portrayal of the Doctor in the revived series, Doctor Who (2005)] It was inconceivabl Show more [on the sexual portrayal of the Doctor in the revived series, Doctor Who (2005)] It was inconceivable during our time. We didn't think like that. I played him entirely... I never did handle the girls. Or if I did handle the girls, I always did it clumsily, because I reasoned that the Doctor wouldn't know about that. Hide
The monsters on Doctor Who were never so amazing as the monsters on the sixth floor of the BBC. Ther Show more The monsters on Doctor Who were never so amazing as the monsters on the sixth floor of the BBC. There were some improbable looking people there. Hide
[on The Hound of the Baskervilles (1982)] I was not good in it. The BBC apologised for my performanc Show more [on The Hound of the Baskervilles (1982)] I was not good in it. The BBC apologised for my performance. They didn't like it at all. Hide
I turned down The Five Doctors [Doctor Who: The Five Doctors (1983)] because it wasn't long since I' Show more I turned down The Five Doctors [Doctor Who: The Five Doctors (1983)] because it wasn't long since I'd left - I had left Doctor Who because I think I'd run my course. I didn't want to play 20% of the part. I didn't fancy being a feed for other Doctors - in fact, it filled me with horror. Hide
To want to be an actor, especially these days, is to be ill. To want to be an actor, especially these days, is to be ill.
I don't watch television. I know better than that. I don't watch television. I know better than that.
I recently got a copy of the Tom Baker Friendship Group's Fan Letter. It said owing to diminishing i Show more I recently got a copy of the Tom Baker Friendship Group's Fan Letter. It said owing to diminishing interest the price of this fan letter is going up from 30 to 58 pence. Hide
The Old Testament is my favourite science fantasy reading. The Old Testament is my favourite science fantasy reading.
I'm very interested in nostalgia because that's pretty well all that's left for me. I'm very interested in nostalgia because that's pretty well all that's left for me.
[on returning to the part of the Doctor] I don't know what it will be like and they haven't approach Show more [on returning to the part of the Doctor] I don't know what it will be like and they haven't approached me yet and I'd want to have some say about the script. I'm not asking for Tom Stoppard to write the script but for it to be as I remember it and as the others remember their time. Hide
Jon Pertwee put a big stamp on Doctor Who (1963). He found a style that was really wonderful. Jon Pertwee put a big stamp on Doctor Who (1963). He found a style that was really wonderful.
I am a one success man. I am a one success man.
[on the Doctor Who (1963) serial Doctor Who: The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part One (1977)] The BBC is Show more [on the Doctor Who (1963) serial Doctor Who: The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part One (1977)] The BBC is very good at period drama but not very good at giant rats. Hide
[on having a star named after him] I'm over the moon. [on having a star named after him] I'm over the moon.
[on the death of Barry Letts] He was the big link in changing my entire life really because it was h Show more [on the death of Barry Letts] He was the big link in changing my entire life really because it was he who decided to cast me in Doctor Who (1963). It was left down to Barry Letts deciding to employ me or not. He was very anxious at the time because replacing Jon Pertwee was considered a big hurdle. He filled me with great confidence. He was a good man, you know, a really good man. He was a gentleman, you know, that old fashioned gentleman, so kind, so kind. There's no substitute for kindness is there really? Hide
[on David Walliams and Matt Lucas] I've been with them a long time so we're effortlessly friendly. I Show more [on David Walliams and Matt Lucas] I've been with them a long time so we're effortlessly friendly. I am very fond of those boys, they're very young, so I feel rather paternal towards them. I'm also full of admiration for what they do and I'm devoted to their bad taste. Hide
I've never had a problem with the fame thing, but as I get older I feel I am starting to look less a Show more I've never had a problem with the fame thing, but as I get older I feel I am starting to look less and less like Tom Baker. People used to mistake me for Shirley Williams, but now they just seem to mistake me for my Great Auntie Molly. Hide
I remember, I was returning with a colleague from Blackpool on a Saturday afternoon and I wanted to Show more I remember, I was returning with a colleague from Blackpool on a Saturday afternoon and I wanted to see the episode being shown that day. So we stopped at a television shop and asked if we could watch the programme. The assistant said she was just closing, but we could go to her house nearby and see it. When we got there we found her two children glued to the programme which had just started. I sat down quietly. Suddenly one of the children looked across at me. The he looked back at the set. The he looked back at me again. He couldn't believe his eyes! Hide
[on Doctor Who (1963)] In the end it was not hard to leave the programme. I felt it in my finger-tip Show more [on Doctor Who (1963)] In the end it was not hard to leave the programme. I felt it in my finger-tips that the time had come to move over and give someone else a chance. There was nothing more I could do with it. Hide
John Nathan-Turner and I did not see eye-to-eye really about very much. It was only afterwards when Show more John Nathan-Turner and I did not see eye-to-eye really about very much. It was only afterwards when he'd gone that I got to realise what he was doing for Doctor Who - he was promoting it all over the world, which was all to my advantage. We became quite good friends as time passed - we forgot all about those disagreements. Hide
30-odd years later people say, 'What did it feel like when you left Doctor Who (1963)?' I never did Show more 30-odd years later people say, 'What did it feel like when you left Doctor Who (1963)?' I never did leave Doctor Who (1963) because it never left me. Hide
(In 1998) When the Conservatives were in I cannot tell you how much I hated them. But I realise how Show more (In 1998) When the Conservatives were in I cannot tell you how much I hated them. But I realise how shallow I am because I now hate the Labour Party as much. Hide
[on leaving Doctor Who (1963)] I began to realize that I was not much fun to work with from the poin Show more [on leaving Doctor Who (1963)] I began to realize that I was not much fun to work with from the point of view of the producer because I got very, very opinionated. I thought that I knew what worked. It meant that I was quite difficult to deal with. And so when I offered my resignation I was quite astounded at how swiftly it was accepted. Hide
I began to get into the part and then the part began to get into me... I was the Doctor and the Doct Show more I began to get into the part and then the part began to get into me... I was the Doctor and the Doctor was me... for more than six years I left myself and floated about as a hero. Hide
Now my hair is white, the other day someone mistook me in the street for Claire Rayner. I signed it Show more Now my hair is white, the other day someone mistook me in the street for Claire Rayner. I signed it "Yours sincerely, Claire Rayner." The woman was asking me all sorts of complicated questions about cystitis and things like that. Hide
[on his marriage to Lalla Ward] We were deliriously happy for weeks. [on his marriage to Lalla Ward] We were deliriously happy for weeks.
Jon [Jon Pertwee] found it physically impossible to buy a drink. He liked the idea of big sums of mo Show more Jon [Jon Pertwee] found it physically impossible to buy a drink. He liked the idea of big sums of money for voice-overs, so I would say in Jon's earshot that someone had offered me £15,000 for a voiceover, but I turned it down because it was going to take a whole hour. This wasn't true, but I could hear Jon's heart pounding. In fact, he died of a heart attack shortly after that. I think that's why. Hide
[on Lalla Ward] Apparently, somebody at a convention in Canada, I think, asked her, 'What was your f Show more [on Lalla Ward] Apparently, somebody at a convention in Canada, I think, asked her, 'What was your favourite monster?' - an annihilatingly dull question - and Lalla went, quick as a flash, 'Tom Baker!' I remember thinking, ahh, good old Lalla. Hide
I was terribly out of work when I got the Doctor Who (1963) job. I was temporarily on a building sit Show more I was terribly out of work when I got the Doctor Who (1963) job. I was temporarily on a building site when the BBC asked me. A few weeks later some of the men went out to buy the racing edition of the Standard and there was my picture on the front page. The BBC had told me not to tell anyone. Those men just couldn't believe it, their cement mixer becoming Doctor Who (1963). Hide
I should never have been an actor really for the simple reason I actually don't like being told what Show more I should never have been an actor really for the simple reason I actually don't like being told what to do. I really don't. Now this is a very bad start for an actor. It really is a very bad start. Hide
Dickens (Charles Dickens) is full of all that theatricality from simple times when people could be h Show more Dickens (Charles Dickens) is full of all that theatricality from simple times when people could be heroic, ridiculous and strike attitude. And, of course, all that pretentiousness and snobbery is right up my street. I was born to play Mr Crummles. Even when I played Macbeth, someone said to me that I would make a great Crummles. Hide
[on David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor] I did watch a little bit of the new Doctor Who (2005) and I t Show more [on David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor] I did watch a little bit of the new Doctor Who (2005) and I think the new fella, Tennant, is excellent. Hide
as Actor (109)