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Thure Lindhardt

Thure Lindhardt

Birthday: 24 December 1974, Copenhagen, Denmark
Birth Name: Thure Frank Lindhardt
Height: 182 cm

Thure Frank Lindhardt was born 24 December 1974 in Copenhagen, Denmark. At 12, he was cast as the role of the mailman in Negerkys og labre larver (1987), and later that year, he acted as a classmate i ...Show More

Thure Lindhardt
"For me the role was a large challenge, because Hans is very physical and spontaneous. Hans is a unb Show more "For me the role was a large challenge, because Hans is very physical and spontaneous. Hans is a unbekuemmerter type, which says, what he means, and does which he wants. It is not common or calculating, but he follows simply his feelings and takes themselves, according to which he is." -About his character Hans in Was nützt die Liebe in Gedanken. Hide
Berlin was a very good thing for me in many ways. It opened up my mind to the world" - speaking of h Show more Berlin was a very good thing for me in many ways. It opened up my mind to the world" - speaking of his experience as a Shooting Star in 2000 Hide
"On the one hand it means much that this is a true history. I took that from the outset very serious Show more "On the one hand it means much that this is a true history. I took that from the outset very seriously, because I would like to render the necessary respect to the person, whom I represent, with my representation. I read much over the time, in which the five lived, because I find, in order a figure, their motives and reactions to understand, one must understand also their time. On the other hand film is an art form, and also its one must be conscious." - About his preparation to Was nützt die Liebe in Gedanken. Hide
"I knew the cartoon comic, before I heard anything about the film. And at the time I wore doing anot Show more "I knew the cartoon comic, before I heard anything about the film. And at the time I wore doing another film-project with Wise Guy Productions. I think it's a quite of a funny environmental part of life to show in a Danish movie. It's obviously not like the same stuff as in the USA. I really think that the Danish people need a lot more movies like this kind of a film, with an audience target like 17-23, and not movies like a boy which meet a girl and then just love." About what he thinks of the film Slim Slam Slum (2002). Hide
Thure Lindhardt's FILMOGRAPHY
as Actor (39)