James Frain
Birthday: 14 March 1968, Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, UK
Birth Name: James Dominic Frain
Height: 183 cm
James Frain is one of Hollywood's most versatile and respected actors who has a reputation for bold, intelligent performances in a diverse body of work in which he's collaborated with some o ...Show More

When I got this job on season 3 and people say to me, "So what are you doing? What are you doing now Show more
When I got this job on season 3 and people say to me, "So what are you doing? What are you doing now?" I say I'm doing this show True Blood (2008) they go, "Oh my God! That is my favorite show!" Without exception. Everyone. Even my doctor. Absolute craziness. They don't say, "That's my second favorite show" or "I quite like that show" or "I've heard of that show". Hide
[Speaking about his character on True Blood (2008)] I think Franklin is a bit of a troubled soul. I' Show more
[Speaking about his character on True Blood (2008)] I think Franklin is a bit of a troubled soul. I'm not sure that he's entirely well in the head but he also is up for the ride. He likes to go wherever the most dangerous energy is. Basically I'm a private detective which sounds ridiculous. Franklin Mott, Private Eye. Kind of like Magnum but without the mustache. Hide
as Actor (232)