Ian McShane
Birthday: 29 September 1942, Blackburn, Lancashire, England, UK
Height: 171 cm
From a lawless, foul-mouthed saloon owner in "Deadwood" to a tough no-nonsense British gangster in "Sexy Beast," Ian McShane has virtually cornered the market on playing rogues, vi ...Show More

The bad boy: always more fun. It's funny. When you're in your early 20s, you go ahead and do everyth Show more
The bad boy: always more fun. It's funny. When you're in your early 20s, you go ahead and do everything. And it's very hard to judge yourself. It's like when you're in drama school, and you're playing a 60-year-old in Russian plays, and you get criticized, and you say, 'What the hell, I'm an 18-year-old trying to be a 60-year-old Russian?' But the bad boy, I had a knack for it from the start. Hide
My wife is American, though, and she's been my wife for 36 years, and I do love the place. When I se Show more
My wife is American, though, and she's been my wife for 36 years, and I do love the place. When I see all this Trump bullshit, all his bombast and stupidity, I think that's not the America I know. Hide
Giving up smoking was the hardest one of all - tougher than alcohol and drugs. I was smoking at work Show more
Giving up smoking was the hardest one of all - tougher than alcohol and drugs. I was smoking at work out of boredom a lot of the time. You'd finish filming a scene and have three hours until the next one. I always say that movies pay me to wait around - and I do the acting for free. Hide
I became a high-functioning alcoholic and drug taker. I would always remember my lines, and always b Show more
I became a high-functioning alcoholic and drug taker. I would always remember my lines, and always be on time, but some of the films I was in then I have no recollection of having done them. Hide
That was a volatile time in my life. Lunacy. Off the rails for a year and a half. Sylvia was a great Show more
That was a volatile time in my life. Lunacy. Off the rails for a year and a half. Sylvia was a great girl, but we were hardly seeing each other towards the end, because we were always away filming in different parts of the world and then, when we did meet, we would fight. Hide
as Actor (260)