Ben Chaplin
Birthday: 31 July 1970, London, England, UK
Birth Name: Benedict John Greenwood
Height: 180 cm
With charm to spare and dark, unassumingly handsome looks, British actor Ben Chaplin arrived on the Hollywood scene in smart and sexy fashion with the comedy The Truth About Cats & Dogs (1996) ...Show More

When you arrive in L.A. as an Englishman you might as well be on the moon. People just don't underst Show more
When you arrive in L.A. as an Englishman you might as well be on the moon. People just don't understand you if you speak too fast and most people there think you're Australian. Ordering was incredibly complicated. I was speechless. Hide
I'd like to keep working on both sides of the Atlantic. But settling down is not something I can rea Show more
I'd like to keep working on both sides of the Atlantic. But settling down is not something I can really compute as I've lived out of a bag since I was 17. Being an actor is well paid but it's a bit like being a circus traveler. There's no base except for where your friends and family are. Wherever I settle, I know I can't spend a lot of time there so I have to grab the bits of time that I have at home, when I can, and just enjoy them. But it's a transient existence. Hide
as Actor (54)