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Ron Lester

Ron Lester

Birthday: 4 August 1970, Kennesaw, Georgia, USA
Height: 178 cm

Ron Lester gained celebrity status at an early stage in his career, but his draw in Hollywood seemed to be based on one physical characteristic: his weight. Obese since 5 years old, by the time he was ...Show More

Ron Lester
Am I alive? Yes. Am I happy? No. Did I throw away my career to be skinny? Yes. I wouldn't do [the su Show more Am I alive? Yes. Am I happy? No. Did I throw away my career to be skinny? Yes. I wouldn't do [the surgery] again. I would much rather have died happy, rich, and kept my status and gone out on top. Hide
as Actor (23)
Ron Lester Ron Lester'S roles